Home of Dr. and Mrs. Meadows

A late 19th century barn is dismantled, moved to our clients location, restored, attached to our clients existing house by way of a new ell, and then the 2nd floor and loft converted to living space.


Late 19th century barn in disrepair is about to be demolished.

Detail of sawn frame with truss system

The systematic dismantling process begins. We save as much "original fabric" as possible.

Dismantling continues.

Removal of cupola

Trusses, rafters and plates removed

Don’t try this at home; we are trained professionals.

Frame elements awaiting repair and/or reassembly

We re use as many original elements as we can. Our clients were definitely on board with this philosophy.


Groundbreaking at the barn’s future home

Concrete frost and foundation walls. The granite sits on top of these walls.

Barn foundation at left and new ell foundation at existing house

Granite foundation above grade

Example of scarf repair which matches original joinery

Truss repair and supplementation. Posts and braces await the plate.

Trusses are installed with the client’s help (in foreground). There is a surcharge if clients wish to help.

Cupola is set in place.

New ell to left

Approach from front of house. Existing porch was repaired and extended in front of ell.

Rafters in place. New cedar porch is taking shape. Ship lapped sheathing was used for the barn.

Trim elements are installed, more porch repair.

Weather tight shell. Andersen windows and doors in the ell, custom milled windows, to match originals, for the barn.


Front view

Rear view

Rear view

Front View


© 2015 Rick Irons General Contracting and Restoration LLC
All text and photographs are the property of Rick Irons General Contracting and Restoration LLC
and may not be reproduced without written permission.
All rights reserved.